Health Issues: increased risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, poor sleep, tension headaches, migraines, general tiredness.
Dental issues: increased risk of periodontal disease, tooth wear and fracture, tooth decay.
Successful treatment in snoring and sleep apnoea is to first establish the primary problem and severity. Our next step is to begin minimally invasive home treatments and we closely monitor how patients respond. Should the patient require more to eliminate the apnoea, then we assess if it is something that can be addressed by a night appliance to improve airflow or if it is best seen by one of our trusted ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) surgeons.
Our dentists have successfully treated many patients and have a huge amount of experience and knowledge in this field. Patients often report a huge improvement in quality of sleep and consequently life in general.
Who gets sleep apnoea is a common question that is asked and it really can vary.
- Children: The incidence in children is as high as 4%. Usually, it’s the result of enlarged tonsils, adenoids or of some craniofacial abnormality. Snoring can be the first sign to trigger further investigation.
- Adults: Apnoea becomes more common in middle age. It’s more common in men than women, although after menopause, women may be at equal risk as they can lose some muscle tone around their airway.
- Overweight people: Being overweight can be a factor, particularly if you have excess fatty tissue around the neck. In people who aren’t overweight, it’s likely they were born with a narrowed airway.
- Dental patients: Some people who’ve had several teeth extracted, such as for orthodontic treatment, can end up with a smaller arch for their mouth and a tendency towards a constricted airway.